Boligmappa API
This document describes the Boligmappa web service interface operations, and how to use them in order to integrate an application with the Boligmappa Bedrift system. It describes what the boligmappa web service is, what is required to use it, how to make requests, and how to process the response. This document is a primary guideline when implementing the Boligmappa web service.
The intended reader of this document is anyone who wishes to integrate their application with the Boligmappa web service.
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Web Services
- Project Services
- AddCompaniesToProject
- RemoveCompaniesFromProject
- AssociateAnonymousProjectToBoligmappaNumber
- AssociateProjectDocumentsToBuilding
- AssociateProjectDocumentsToProperty
- ChangeProjectStatus
- CreateProject
- DeleteProject
- EditProject2 - New
- GetAllProjects
- GetDocumentsByProject2 - New
- SendDocumentsToProject2 - New
- Validate Project
- SearchProject
- GenerateProjectSummaryDocument
- EditProject - Obsolete
- GetDocumentsByProject - Obsolete
- SendDocumentsToProject - Obsolete
- GetDocumentsByProject3
- AssociateProjectDocumentsToTenant
- Document Services
- CombineEfoDocuments
- CopyDocumentsToProject
- DeleteDocuments
- EditDocument
- GetDeviceDocumentUrl
- GetDocument - New
- GetDocumentsByPlant - New
- GetMyDocumentsByPlantId
- MergeDocumentsAndSendToPlant
- ReportMissingEfoDocuments
- SendDocumentsToPlant - New
- SendNoteToPlant
- EditJobDocumentChapterTwo - Obsolete
- EditJobDocumentChapterThree - Obsolete
- GenerateJobDocument - Obsolete
- GetDocumentById - Obsolete
- GetDocumentsByPlantId - Obsolete
- SendDocument - Obsolete
- SendDocuments - Obsolete
- SendDocumentsToPlant - REST API
- DeleteUserInput
- Property / Plant Services
- Company Services
- Support Services
- AddApartmentTagsToProject
- AddDevicesForProject
- AddRoom
- AddRoomsForProject
- CreateDevices
- CreateMaintenanceTasks
- DeleteApartmentTags
- GetApartmentTagsForProject
- GetChapterTags
- GetDevicesForProject
- GetDevicesForProperty
- GetMaintenanceTasksForProperty
- GetRoomsForProject
- GetRoomsForProperty
- SetMemberStatus
- SetTaskToDone
- SendFreeTime - Obsolete
- DownloadPersonalInformationDocument - Rest API
- EditApartmentTag
- EditRoomForPlants (Not In Production)
- Special Services
- Other Services
- Find Professional Services
- Tenant Services
- Private Document Service
- Project Services
- Data Types
- AddApartmentTagsToProjectStatus
- AddCompanyToProjectStatus
- AddDeviceForProjectStatus
- AddDevicesForTenantInput
- AddImageToPropertyInput
- AddImageToPropertyOutput
- Address
- AddressInput
- AddRoomForProjectStatus
- AddRoomForTenantStatus
- AddRoomsForTenantInput
- ApartmentTagsOutput
- ApartmentTagstInput
- ApartmentTagsToDelete
- AuditorDocument
- AuthenticateToFinnItInput
- AuthenticateToFinnItOutput
- BoligmappaErrorCode
- BuildingAssociatedToProject
- BuildingDetailModel
- BuildingInfo
- BuildingInput
- BuildingPlant
- BuildingProject
- ChapterTagInput
- ChapterTagOutput
- ChapterThree
- ChapterTwo
- Company
- CompanyDetails
- CompanyFeatureModel
- CompanyInput
- CompanyRemovalStatus
- CompanyWithJobDetails
- ConnectTenantToBuildingInput
- ConnectTenantToBuildingOutput
- ContactPerson
- ContactPersonDetails
- CreateCompanyFeatureGalleryInput
- CreateUserOutput
- DateRange
- DeleteApartmentTagStatus
- DeleteUserOutput
- DeleteUserStatus
- Device
- DeviceCreateStatus
- DeviceInput
- DeviceItem
- Document
- DocumentAssociationStatus
- DocumentCopyStatus
- DocumentDeleteStatus
- DocumentEditDetailsInput
- DocumentEditStatus
- DocumentInput
- DocumentUploadStatus
- EditUserInput
- EditUserOutput
- EditUserProfileInput
- EditUserProfileOutput
- EfoDocument
- EfoItem
- File
- FranchiserCompanyOutput
- GenerateProjectSummaryDocumentInput
- GeneratePropertySummaryDocumentInput
- GetCompaniesWithJobDetailsInput
- GetDevicesForTenantInput
- GetDevicesForTenantOutput
- GetDocumentsForTenantInput
- GetDocumentsForTenantOutput
- GetProfessionalProfileInput
- GetProfessionalProfileOutput
- GetRoomsForProjectDetails
- GetRoomsForTenantInput
- GetRoomsForTenantOutput
- GetStakeholderByPlantIdInput
- GetStakeholderByPlantIdOutput
- GetTenantsInput
- GetTenantsOutput
- HousingCoopInputModel
- ImageInput
- Job
- JobCreateStatus
- JobDetails
- JobDocument
- JobDocumentInput
- LookupPropertyByAddressInput
- LookupPropertyByAddressOutput
- MaintenanceTask
- MaintenanceTaskCreateStatus
- MaintenanceTaskInput
- Matrikkel
- MatrikkelOwner
- MemberCompanyStatus
- MergedDocument
- Note
- Plant
- PlantStakeholder
- ProfessionalAvailability
- ProfileImageInput
- Project
- ProjectApartmentTag
- ProjectCreateStatus
- ProjectDevice
- ProjectDocument
- ProjectDocument2
- ProjectResult
- ProjectRoom
- ProjectRoomInput
- Property
- PropertyAndBuildingInfo
- PropertyAssociatedToProject
- PropertyDetailsOfCopiedDocuments
- PropertyInfo
- PropertyOwner
- PropertyOwnerDetails
- PropertyPlant
- PropertyProject
- Rate
- RemoveCompany
- Room
- SendDocumentsToTenantInput
- SendDocumentsToTenantOutput
- SetMemberStatusInput
- SetMemberStatusOutput
- SingleFeatureGalleryOutput
- StakeholderType
- TaskInput
- Tenant
- TenantDetails
- TenantDevice
- TenantDocument
- TenantDocumentInput
- TenantDocumentUploadStatus
- TenantRoom
- TenantRoomInput
- UpdateCompanyProfileInput
- User
- UserDetails
- UserInput
- Company - New
- CompanyStatistics
- CompanyCertificate
- CompanyFeature
- PersonLocation
- LookUpPersonByNameOutput
- LookUpPersonByNameInput
- SendDocumentsToPrivateSectionOutput
- SendDocumentsToPrivateSectionInput
- StakeholderDocumentInput
- Exceptions
- Frequently Asked Questions
- DocumentType
- RoomType
- Chapter Tags
- AuthorizationToken
- ProfessionType
- Support
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Recently Updated Pages
SendDocumentsToPlant - REST APIMar 08, 2022 • contributed by Lakindu Gunasekara
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ExceptionsDec 08, 2021 • contributed by Lakindu Gunasekara
EditJobDocumentChapterTwo - ObsoleteApr 23, 2021 • contributed by Buddhi Chathuranga Senarathna (Unlicensed)
EditJobDocumentChapterThree - ObsoleteApr 23, 2021 • contributed by Buddhi Chathuranga Senarathna (Unlicensed)