Property | Type | Description |
DocumentId | long | Id of the document |
FileName | string | File name |
FileTypeId | int | Available Types : 0- Undefined, 1-Text, 2-Word Docx, 3-Word Doc, 4-PDF, 5- Excel Xlsx, 6- Excel Xls, 7 - Powerpoint Pptx, 8 - Powerpoint Ppt , 9 - Image Jpg, 10 - Image Png, 11 - Image Tif , 12 - Image Bmp |
DocumentTypeId | int | Available document type Ids are listed in DocumentType |
Title | string | Document title |
Description | string | Description |
UpdatedDate | DateTime | The last updated date |
Url | string | The public URL from which the PDF version of this document can be downloaded |
CompanyName | string | Company name of the document that uploaded this document. Boligmappa if it is uploaded by the property owner. |
Industry | string | Industry of the company who uploaded this document |
ChapterTags | List<ChapterTagOutput> | List of chapters tagged to the document. See the available chapter list here |