Property | Type | Description |
DocumentId | long | Document Id for the document |
FileName | string | File name |
FileTypeId | int | Available Types :
DocumentTypeId | int | Available document type Ids are listed in DocumentType |
Title | string | Document title |
Description | string | Description |
OrderNumber | string | Order number |
IsVisibleInBoligmappa | bool | True if this document is visible to |
UpdatedDate | string | The last updated date |
Url | string | the public URL from which this document can be downloaded |
PdfDocId | long | Id of the generated PDF document |
ApplicationTag | string | The application that created the doc in the database |
CompanyId | long | The Id of the company which uploaded the document |
ProfessionId | int | Available profession ids are listed below. Users are allowed to use only the professions registered for their company. |
ProfessionName | string | Profession Name |
BuildingId | long | Building Id if this document is tagged to a building |
RoomIds | List<long> | A list of room Ids if the document is tagged to rooms |
DeviceIds | List<long> | A list of device Ids if the document is tagged to devices |
OrganizationNumber | long | Organization Number |
ChapterTags | List<ChapterTagOutput> | A list of chapter tags |
Company | Company | Information of the company which the document has sent (Only the CompanyId, OrganizationNo and CompanyName is returned currently) |
ApartmentTags | List<ApartmentTagsOutput> | A list of ApartmentTags if the document is tagged with ApartmentTags |
DocumentCopiedPropertyDetails | List<PropertyDetailsOfCopiedDocuments> | A list of properties to which the project document has been copied(This field will get populated only in GetDocumentsByProject2 - New web method only.) |
Id | Profession |
1 | Elektriker |
2 | Rørlegger |
4 | Rådgivende ingeniør |
5 | Snekker/Tømrer |
6 | Maler/Tapetserer |
7 | Murer/flislegger |
8 | Tak/Blikkenslager |
9 | Entreprenør |
11 | Takst |
12 | Eiendomsmegler |
13 | Forsikring |
14 | Arkitekt |
15 | Boligprodusent |
16 | Byggmester |
17 | Anleggsgartner |
18 | Ventilasjon/kulde |
19 | Stat/Kommune |
21 | Det lokale elektrisitetstilsyn |
22 | Maskinentreprenør |
23 | Brann og feiervesen |