Property | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Maximum character length/limit | Description |
FileName | string | Mandatory | Should be less than or equal to 260 characters. | Provide only the file name and extension, not path (ex: test.txt) |
DocumentTypeId | int | Mandatory | Should be less than or equal to 260 characters. | Available document type Ids are listed in DocumentType |
Url | string | Mandatory if Data is not given | Not relevant | A url of a document (ex: http://martinfowler.com/articles/nosql-intro-original.pdf) |
Data | string | Mandatory if Url is not given | Not relevant | Base 64 encoded data |
Title | string | Mandatory | Should be less than or equal to 260 characters. | The title of the document. |
Description | string | Optional | Should be less than or equal to 260 characters. | The description of the document |
OrderNumber | string | Mandatory | Should be less than or equal to 50 characters. | The job order associated with the document |
IsVisibleInBoligmappa | boolean | Optional | Not relevant | If set to True, the document is made visible to the property owner in Boligmappa.no |
FolderName | string | Not relevant | (Not in use) | |
ProfessionId | int | Mandatory | Not relevant | Available profession ids are available at ProfessionType. Users are allowed to use only the professions registered for their company. |
BuildingId | long | Optional | Buildings related to the document can be tagged by providing the building id. The available buildings can be retrieved using the LookupMorePropertyDetailsByMatrikkel web method. | |
RoomIds | List<long> | Optional | Not relevant | Rooms relevant to the document can be tagged by providing the room id. The available rooms can be retrieved using the GetRoomsInformation web method. |
DeviceId | long | Optional | Not relevant | Devices relevant to the document can be tagged by providing the device id. The available devices can be retrieved using the GetDevices web method. |
ChapterTagIds | List<int> | Optional | Not relevant | Chapters relevant to the document can be tagged by providing the chapter tag ids. Available chapter tags can be retrieved using the /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/42008583 web method. Refer Chapter Tags |
ApartmentTagIds | List<int> | Optional | Not relevant | Apartments relevant to the document can be tagged by providing the apartment tag ids. Available apartment tags can be retrieved using the GetApartmentTagsForProject web method. (This field should be a List<long> according to the database design. Since number of integration partners have integrated this web method already, we cannot change the implementation immediately as it may break current integrations) |
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