Property | Type | Description |
Id | long | E.g.  1023 |
OrganizationNumber | int | Contains 9 digits E.g. 910747711 |
CompanyName | string | E.g. AB Company |
Address | Address | E.g. Street 7, 1111 GRÃ…LUM |
Municipality | string | E.g. SARPSBORG |
Longitude | double | E.g. 12.55785214 |
Latitude | double | E.g. 59.32556554 |
ContactPerson | string | E.g. James Alexander |
PhoneNumber | string | E.g. 0775312859 |
string | E.g. | |
UseBoligmappa | bool | E.g. True/False |
Professions | List<string> | List of professions E.g. Ventilasjon/kulde, Maler/Tapetserer |
MemberAsssociations | List<string> | List of member associations E.g. NRL, VKE, MLF |
ContactPersonDetails | ContactPersonDetails | The Details of the contact person of the company |
CompanyDescription | string | The Company Description |
CompanyWebSite | string | The Company Website |
CompanyLogo | string | The Url of the Company Logo |
CompanyProfileImage | string | The Url of the Company Profile Image |
FacebookAddress | string | The Company Facebook Address |
ButtonTextForHelpLink | string | The Button Text For Help Link of the company |
HelpLink | string | The Help Link of the company |
FranchiserCompanies | List<FranchiserCompanyOutput> | The List of franchiser companies |
EmployeeCount | int | Employee count of the company |
LastFinancialStatementSubmissionYear | int | Last financial statement submission year |
IsVatRegistered | bool | Is company vat registered |
IsNavaaVatRegistered | bool | Is company Navaa registered |
ShareCapital | decimal | Share Capital of the company |
Equity | double | Equity of the Company |
CreditRating | string | Credit Rating of the Company |
StartBankStatus | string | Start Bank Status |
Revenue | double | Revenue of the company |
Earning | double | Company Earning |
IsNHOAuthorized | bool | Is the company NHO Authorized |