Company - New

Company - New

NOTE : This is currently only available in the staging environment and will be released to the production environment soon.

Id long E.g.  1023

Contains 9 digits E.g. 910747711

CompanyName string E.g. AB Company
AddressAddressE.g. Street 7, 1111 GRÅLUM
Municipality string E.g. SARPSBORG
Longitude double E.g. 12.55785214
Latitude double E.g. 59.32556554
ContactPersonstringE.g. James Alexander
PhoneNumberstringE.g. 0775312859
EmailstringE.g. sameerag@99x.lk
UseBoligmappaboolE.g. True/False
Professions List<string> List of professions E.g. Ventilasjon/kulde, Maler/Tapetserer
MemberAsssociationsList<string> List of member associations E.g. NRL, VKE, MLF
ContactPersonDetailsContactPersonDetailsThe details of the contact person of the company
CompanyDescriptionstringThe company description
CompanyWebSitestringThe company website
CompanyLogostringThe Url of the company logo
CompanyProfileImagestringThe Url of the company profile image
FacebookAddressstringThe Facebook address of the company
ButtonTextForHelpLinkstringThe button text for the company help link
HelpLinkstringThe help link of the company
FranchiserCompaniesList<FranchiserCompanyOutput>The list of franchiser companies
EmployeeCountintEmployee count of the company
LastFinancialStatementSubmissionYearintLast financial statement for the submission year
IsVatRegisteredboolWhether the company is registered for vat 
IsNavaaVatRegisteredboolWhether the company is registered for Navaa 
ShareCapitaldecimalShare capital of the company
EquitydoubleEquity of the company
CreditRatingstringCredit rating of the company
StartBankStatusstringWhether the company is certified by Start Bank 
RevenuedoubleRevenue of the company
EarningdoubleCompany earning
IsNHOAuthorizedboolIs the company NHO authorized
ComapanyStatisticsCompanyStatisticsStatistic details about the company
CertificateListList<CompanyCertificate>Certificates of the company
FeatureGalleryList<CompanyFeature>List of features in the company