

There are mainly three types of Projects which are,

Anonymous Projects (UnconnectedProject) which are standalone and not connected to either property or a building (ProjectType - 0 )

Property Projects which are associated to a property (ProjectType - 1)

Building Projects which are associated to a building (ProjectType - 2)

ProjectIdlongThe project Id
ProjectNamestringName of the project
ProjectCodestringProject Code is generated by using the Boligmappa number, and it will be in the form of: AAA9999-A9

Project type:

0 - UnconnectedProject (Project not connected to a Building or a Property )

1 - PropertyProject,

2 - BuildingProject


Status of the project

1 - NotStarted

2 - InProgress

3 - Closed

4 - Deleted

BoligmappaNumberstringThe Boligmappa number of the Property or the Building of the project
IsAdminboolIs set to true if the project is owned by the user's company
OwnerCompanyCompanyCompany which owns the project
DescriptionstringProject description
StartedDateDateTimeThe project start date
UpdatedDate DateTime Last updated data 
ProjectCompanies List<Company>  Companies added to the project
ProjectAddress Address Address of the property or building attached to the project
ProjectContactPersonNameStringProject's Contact person's name
ProjectContactPersonEmailStringProject's Contact person's email

Project's Contact person's phone number.

Note: If this is not provided previously, "Not available" is returned

IsLicensedboolIs this Project authorized to be used by the user according to his license