There are mainly three types of Projects which are,
Anonymous Projects (UnconnectedProject) which are standalone and not connected to either property or a building (ProjectType - 0 )
Property Projects which are associated to a property (ProjectType - 1)
Building Projects which are associated to a building (ProjectType - 2)
Property | Type | Description |
ProjectId | long | The project Id |
ProjectName | string | Name of the project |
ProjectCode | string | Project Code is generated by using the Boligmappa number, and it will be in the form of: AAA9999-A9 |
ProjectType | int | Project type: 0 - UnconnectedProject (Project not connected to a Building or a Property ) 1 - PropertyProject, 2 - BuildingProject |
ProjectStatus | int | Status of the project 1 - NotStarted 2 - InProgress 3 - Closed 4 - Deleted |
BoligmappaNumber | string | The Boligmappa number of the Property or the Building of the project |
IsAdmin | bool | Is set to true if the project is owned by the user's company |
OwnerCompany | Company | Company which owns the project |
Description | string | Project description |
StartedDate | DateTime | The project start date |
UpdatedDate | DateTime | Last updated data |
ProjectCompanies | List<Company> | Companies added to the project |
ProjectAddress | Address | Address of the property or building attached to the project |
ProjectContactPersonName | String | Project's Contact person's name |
ProjectContactPersonEmail | String | Project's Contact person's email |
ProjectContactPersonNumber | String | Project's Contact person's phone number. Note: If this is not provided previously, "Not available" is returned |
IsLicensed | bool | Is this Project authorized to be used by the user according to his license |
, multiple selections available,