

FileNamestringMandatoryNot RelevantProvide only the file name and extension, not path (ex: test.txt)
DocumentTypeIdint MandatoryShould be less than or equal to 260 characters.Available document type Ids are listed in DocumentType
Url string Mandatory if Data is not givenNot RelevantA url of a document (ex: http://martinfowler.com/articles/nosql-intro-original.pdf)
Datastring  Mandatory if Url is not givenNot RelevantBase 64 encoded data
Titlestring MandatoryShould be less than or equal to 260 characters.The title of the document.
Description string OptionalShould be less than or equal to 260 characters.The description of the document
OrderNumber string  MandatoryNot RelevantThe job order associated with the document 


boolean OptionalNot RelevantIf set to True, the document is made visible to the tenant company directors in Boligmappa.no 


int MandatoryNot RelevantAvailable profession ids are listed below. Users are allowed to use only the professions registered for their company. If user put -1 as proffession Id, the logged in user's proffesion Id will be tagged to the document


List<long> OptionalNot RelevantRooms relevant to the document can be tagged by providing the room id. The available rooms can be retrieved using the GetRoomsForTenant web method.


long OptionalNot RelevantDevices relevant to the document can be tagged by providing the device id. The available devices can be retrieved using the GetDevicesForTenant web method.
ChapterTagIdsList<int>OptionalNot RelevantChapters relevant to the document can be tagged by providing the chapter tag ids. Available chapter tags can be retrieved using the GetChapterTags web method. Refer Chapter Tags.