Sample Use Cases
Janith Weerasinghe (Unlicensed)
Erling Olaussen (Unlicensed)
Per-Christian Svendsen (Unlicensed)
Scenario 1: Uploading a document to a Plant
When a third-party application uses the Boligmappa web service to upload a document to a Plant, the workflow will be as follows.
- Finding a property
Based on name/address information available in the third-party application
- If choosing LookupPropertyByAddress returns 0 results, the name/address information provided by the third-party app needs to be verified/corrected. We have also seen examples where a lack of consistency in Infoland records results in 0 records returned, even if the input is correct.
- If more than 1 result is returned, the third-party application will typically return a list, and the user can select the correct record.
Based on cadastre (NO: matrikkel) information available in the third-party application
- If the property address is unavailable, but the cadastre is known, choosing LookupPropertyByMatrikkel will retrieve the property information.
Based on Boligmappa number
- If the Boligmappa number of the property is available in the third-party application, choosing GetPlantByBoligmappaNumber will retrieve the property information.
When looking for an already existing Plant
- If Boligmappa number, cadastre or address are unknown, and a user is looking for a Plant created by his company, choosing GetAllPlants will return property and Plant information for all Plants created by the company’s authorized users.
Creating a Plant in the Boligmappa system using the information returned from the LookupPropertyByAddress service:
- Select CreatePropertyPlant to create a Plant.
- Please note: cadastre information must be provided. The more additional information is provided, the more efficient the search for the property will be. For regular and sectioned properties, it is usually possible to create the property Plant by using only the cadastre. When this is not sufficient, the user will be asked to provide more details such as address, unit number and building number. For housing cooperative shares, the user must provide either 1) share number and organization number, or 2) address, unit number and building number, along with the cadastre. Of these two, alternative 1) is more efficient.
- Select CreateBuildingPlant to create a Building Plant, and fill in the cadastre information.
- Submit document(s) for the selected Plant by choosing SendDocumentsToPlan
- Use information returned from LookupPropertyByAddress, CreatePropertyPlant or CreateBuildingPlant in order to link the document to the correct property. NOTE: Select /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/42008583 to retrieve the chapter tags that are needed for SendDocumentToPlant to add the documents to the correct chapter in Boligmappa.
- It is also possible to select /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312861 to add the document to a specific room.
- If no rooms are available, /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/37715986 web method will add a room to a property.
- If the document is related to FDV on a device such as water guard (vannstopper) or stove guard (komfyrvakt), choosing /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/27164743 may be useful, as well.
If the property does not exist as a Plant in Boligmappa, or the input parameter details are incorrect, then SendDocumentsToPlant will result in an error message.
IMPORTANT: The Boligmappa number is returned by LookupPropertyByAddress if the property already exists in Boligmappa system or CreatePropertyPlant and /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/27164705. We recommend that third-party applications store this in the database for future use when sending documents etc. to the same property.
Scenario 2: Sending a Job Note
Some professionals don’t have documents associated with their each and every job. In such situations professionals don’t have a proper way to track all the small jobs done by them. Furthermore there is no way to update property owners about these jobs.
/wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312830 web method addresses this problem and can be used to send a note about the each and every job done by a professional to the associated plant. A PDF document will be created with the job description and other information provided by the professional and will be attached to the relevant plant. Professional can make this document visible to property owner in Boligmappa if needed.
If you have a job description adding section in your ERP system, it is the best place to include this ‘Sending a Job Note’ feature.
Scenario 3: Getting Correct Owner and Address Information into the ERP System
When creating a new order or a new customer in the ERP system, our web service can be used as a lookup service to ensure that the information that has been filled in is correct and valid.
Information about the property and owner, delivered through the above web services, may be displayed, so that the correct information can be selected. The information can then be stored in the ERP system.
Furthermore, the valid information provided through our web services may be used to validate and update existing customer databases or to avoid duplication.
Scenario 4: Show All Orders Connected to a Unique Address/Cadastre (Matrikkel)
In most existing ERP systems, finding a list of orders connected to a specific address over time is difficult. The address model used in most ERP systems consists of street address, house number and house sub-number and is rarely validated or changed as the address changes in official registers. This model also fails to provide a unique address for properties like housing coop shares and sectioned houses, since all apartments have the same street address.
Boligmappa’s web service uses unique cadastre values, unit numbers (NO: bruksenheter) address and accounts for municipality mergers, address changes, zip code changes, etc. In other words, the information we provide is unique down to the last detail (such as apartment unit) and stays current over time. In addition, by adding information to a “Plant” for each order/project, the property/apartment order history may be displayed in two ways:
- Based on the PlantID for the order/project, or
- Using the /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312810 and sorting them based on customer, address or order in the ERP system.
Scenario 5: Sync/Get All Published Documents for a Unique Address/Cadastre (Matrikkel)
By using SendDocumentsToPlant - REST API or SendDocumentsToPlant along with GetDocumentsByPlant, a user is able to synchronize or view the entire document history for a unique address, without the need for one-to-one integration between different IT-systems within the company. Documents uploaded by PDA, ERP, or FDV systems which have been connected to Boligmappa in the past, may be retrieved through this web method. This is a great way to show order and documents history for a unique address. Boligmappa is connected to more than 36 systems, and using SendDocuments/GetDocumentsByPlantId currently saves more than 900 integrations between the IT systems in the industry and offers an outstanding value for common users.
Scenario 6: Create Several Plants Simultaneously
In some cases, users must deal with many apartments in a housing cooperative. Let’s say a company gets an order to renovate 180 apartments in a housing cooperative.
In such a case, choosing /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312756 will retrieve all the cadastres, unit numbers and owner information of that housing cooperative. This information may be stored locally in the user’s system, and then /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/90013705 may be chosen to create a Plant for each apartment. Once property information for all housing cooperative shares is saved locally, there is no need to select /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312756 repeatedly when creating Plants. This saves a lot of time. Since each /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312756 process might take minutes, and a user may also need to “save” all apartments to the system, the time saving potential from not having to wait for information retrieval and skipping the manual typing time is 3 hours for a project of this size
Scenario 8: Create an FDV in Minutes, not Hours
Boligmappa is connected to the EFO (electrical devices), NRF (plumbing materials) and NOBB (building materials) databases. With this connection, retrieval of FDV documents is easy.
Some ERP and invoice systems get order information electronically from the wholesaler, or it is typed in by a user. Select the EFO, NRF or NOBB number and select /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312797 to retrieve the URL for the FDV document.
Select SendDocumentsToPlant - REST API or SendDocumentsToPlant - New to add the document(s) to Boligmappa. Select /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/42008583 to retrieve the chapter tags that are needed to select SendDocumentsToPlant - REST API or SendDocumentsToPlant - New to add the document(s) to the correct chapter in Boligmappa. Chapters 2 and 3 refer to FDV documents.
You may add other documents, like images, warranty, final inspection report, declaration of conformity (samsvarserklæring) and other documents using the same method. Specific information about the job/project is then added to Boligmappa in minutes and sorted into different chapters in Boligmappa, making it easy for the homeowner/customer to view the documents.
General information about the company sending the documents is added to the documents in Boligmappa. One of the chapters in Boligmappa stores general information about maintenance, bathrooms and electrical system. It is therefore unnecessary for a user to send such general information to the homeowner/customer.
Combining /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312797, /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/42008583 and SendDocumentsToPlant - REST API or SendDocumentsToPlant - New/wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312879 is a great and easy way to create a complete FDV document for the homeowner/customer.
If you create an FDV system, you may select /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312797 to retrieve information about products, and select /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312787 to see if the user of your system has added documents to the property that you can reuse in your FDV system to complete the document collection, without this user having to save the documents locally and uploading them to your system. Synchronizing the documents on the same project will make life much easier, and the quality of the FDV document will improve greatly.
Some systems merge documents to a final document in a PDF format. Such a document might be several hundred pages long and be more than 100 MB. This can become an issue, since the document often cannot be sent by e-mail or viewed on a smartphone. It takes too long to load. So, if the user wants to send the FDV document to Boligmappa, using SendDocumentsToPlant - REST API or SendDocumentsToPlant - New and chapters tags will populate the documents into the correct chapters in Boligmappa. One can still print one “Final document”.
Scenario 8 – Synchronize Property Details Across Several Applications
Suppose that a user in a company has created a Plant for a property using an ERP system called “ABC”. Other users in the company want to create a project in another application, called” XYZ”. If users of XYZ want to access the Plants created in ABC, XYZ can choose Boligmappa's GetAllPlants retrieval system. XYZ may reuse the customer, property, and address information. XYZ may also select /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312787 to synchronize documents.
Choosing /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312810 will return a list of all Plants created by a company using several different applications.
Scenario 9 – Boligmappa Project Module
The Project Module is adapted specifically to contractors and has a separate work space they can work in without affecting the title owner. Most of the project may be finalized in this space and then transferred to the property when it is ready for delivery.
For the most part, the Project Module is used for projects involving subcontractors.
The Project Module is adapted for the following types of projects:
- Residences and vacation homes with unique cadaster numbers, such as EAT projects
- Apartment projects, where one building turns into several apartments
- Development projects where cadastres are not yet assigned
User instructions:
PS! Creating temporary project and associate the projects documents to Cadaster/Matrikkel later on in the project face, seems to be way to keep away from trouble. Many municipalities are merged at the moment (kommunereformen). This might cause more error handling in the integration than necessary.
Our suggestion (for builders of new houses and apartments) is to have temporary projects as default. You may connect the project to correct cadastre level later in the process. Please consult with us before you start the integration.
Create a project with (existing property) or without (development property/temporary project) a connection to a cadaster. Connection to a cadaster from the start makes delivery at the end of the project easier, but it is best used when changes, such as adding a section number will not take place. Creating a temporary project is useful when many homes are built within the same project, and there is no need or desire for a separate project for each home/apartment. For single buildings being turned into several apartments, please consult with us.
Select /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/26312756 or LookupPropertyByMatrikkel to connect to a cadastre. When the correct property is found, select CreatePropertyPlant to connect the company to the property. The next step is to CreateProject.
For temporary projects, select CreateProject right away, skipping Boligmappanumber.
CreateProject creates a unique project number, which follows the project over time. The project number also works in other IT systems and is the number subcontractors will use in their systems to publish documents in the project. Select /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/31424532, /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/39092233 and /wiki/spaces/VHJE/pages/38731782 to make changes.
In order to invite subcontractors to a project, select AddCompaniesToProject. It is possible to find subcontractors who are already in the system bu using GetCompanies webmethod. It is also possible to search by business registration number (organisasjonsnummer) . Each company who is invited receive an e-mail with the project description. Previously invited companies may also be deleted by selecting RemoveCompaniesFromProject. AddCompaniesToProject is a important part of Boligmappa Project.
Another important part of Boligmappa Project is to add Aparment Tags to the project. Use AddApartmentTagsToProject if the project consist of more than one property or apartment. AparmentTags inform subcontractors that the project consist is devided into several aparments, properties, buildings common eria etc.
Document Handling
In order to add documents to a project or retrieve documents published by subcontractors, select SendDocumentsToProject2 and GetDocumentsByProject2. From here, all documents in the project may be synchronized, regardless of source. The documents contain enough metadata to enable useful filtration. A user can filter by file name, subcontractor, specialty, AparmentTag, date, etc and whether the document should be published in Boligmappa or is strictly an internal project document.
When using SendDocumentsToProject2, GetChapterTags and GetApartmentTagsForProject must be selected to find which chapter and ApartmentTag may be used for each document under SendDocumentsToProject2.
Selecting ChapterTags provides the property owner with good content. Otherwise, many documents in a long list is too chaotic. General information regarding FDV and various specialties are already present in Boligmappa. Chapter 1 lists what is there. In other words, a user only needs to publish property specific information to the various chapters. Some choose to use AddRoomsForProject to add the room lay-out of the property. This is also useful under SendDocumentsToProject2.
Another option is AddDevicesForProject, where the user may add important elements such as heat pump, hot water tank, stove guard, water shutoff valve, ventilation systems, etc. It is very helpful for a homeowner to see which elements come with the home and the related documentation. Usually, the subcontractors add this information if this is required for delivery.
For example, Flexit may add the element “Ventilation” or “Central vacuum” to the project. It will then show up as an installed element in Boligmappa when the project is delivered to the homeowner.
If anything is missing from a document, select EditDocument and/or DeleteDocuments.
When the project has been completed and is ready to be delivered, a function must be added in order to copy the documents over from the project to a property in Boligmappa.
This is done by selecting AssociateProjectDocumentsToProperty .This will copy the documents (incl. metadata) from the project to the property in Boligmappa. During this process, the documents will populate the different chapters, the list of the project participants will be filled out, and all documentation will be available to the property owner. The process should be completed by running ChangeProjectStatus, so that sub-suppliers cannot add information to the project without notification to the original user.
Use GenerateProjectSummaryDocument.This shows which documents have been transferred, so they can be printed out and brought to closing (overtagelse).
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