Concepts and Definitions

Concepts and Definitions

Technical terms and concepts used in the Boligmappa system and the web service operations are explained in this section, in order for a better understanding when integrating with the web service.


An ApartmentTag allows you to separate a project into different sub-projects or different work spaces within a project.

  • For example, consider a property building with a set of apartments. You can add ApartmentTags to separate the different apartments within the same building.
  • Another example would be a project with four houses that have different addresses. Instead of creating four different projects, a single project can be created and the addresses of the four houses can be added as ApartmentTags, e.g. 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D.

ApartmentTags can also be used to tag documents that are common for all properties in a project. Create an ApartmentTag with the name “FellesForAlle”.  At the end of the project, select all files with the ApartmentTag “FellesForAlle” and copy the documents to all the properties in the project. This saves time. This form of tagging makes it easy for the project owner to copy documents to a particular property/apartment of a building.


  • Sub-contractors: should select ApartmentTags for each file if the ApartmentTag is added to a project.
  • Integration partner: it’s important to implement “GetApartmentTagsForProject.
Boligmappa   Number 

Each property in Boligmappa has a unique BoligmappaNumber. Norwegian houses lack comprehensive and credible information about a property or apartment as there is no clear registration number for these properties. A common identifier that can identify a property and retain its identity over time is necessary. The Matrikkel, buildingnumber, street address, street number, zip code, unit number are all combinations that can identify a property. However, an address can change, municipalities merge and the Matrikkel level will change. Unique identities are the key, and its benefits are proven through good user experiences every single day.

The Boligmappa Number is auto generated by the Boligmappa system when a property is added to the system. It’s a vital part of Boligmappa, just like an identification number. 

This number can be used when creating workspaces (plants) for a specific property, keeping official property information in sync with your own database or other useful scenarios in our API.

BuildingRepresents a physical building. Building may or may not contain properties

A ChapterTag is used to categorize documents in a pre-defined “folder-structure” that’s common for all. It’s like the structure of an old ring-binder a property owner receives when a new house is bought. It’s important for sorting several documents/files in a property over time and is helpful for different property owners when ownership changes. ChapterOne “Generell brukerveiledning bolig” is maintained by Boligmappa in collaboration with Norsk Byggtjeneste and contains general information about how to maintain a house.

You cannot add information to Chapter 1 using our API. The ChapterTags are pre-defined and it is not possible to create your own chapters. The default list must be used. This is to prevent different professionals from creating their own chapters. For a home owner, too many chapters will be difficult to navigate and filter. Therefore, it’s limited to 10 different chapters that suits the purpose.


  • Integration partner: use “GetChapertTags” to help the user select ChapterTags for a set of documents. You can pre-select chapter tags for the most common document types, like FDV, Samsvarserklæring, bilder, Garantibevis and other types of files with a direct link to one of the chapters in the ChapterTag list.

A Device is a specific equipment that can be added to a property. Normally a non-removably device that is part of the property. It is possible to add maintenance tasks and documents to a device. This helps the home owner to look at the device list and get all the information they need about maintenance and product sheets from the device tab itself.


  • Integration partner: implement “GetDevice” to have the device list listed. This prevents the same device from being added twice by different companies and can be helpful during routine maintenance.

A Document is any type of file. The Boligmappa system converts files to PDF if it is possible to convert the file type. Any type of file may be uploaded as a public file. e.g. IFC, Movie files, sound, word, images, PDF or URL

There are three types of documents in Boligmappa. Property documents (referred in the documentation as Plant documents) or Project Documents and User documents.

Property documents are uploaded directly to a property (plant) and will be accessible to the company that created the plant and to the home owner only if visible to boligmappa is set to “True”. When visible to Boligmappa is set to “False” the documents are categorised as user data and only accessible to the company that uploaded the documents.

All documents connected to a Boligmappa project is accessible to any company that has been invited and part of the project. A project document needs to be moved to the correct property for it to be visible to the property owner and is categorised as property data after the documents are copied to a property. It is done by associating project documents to the property method. Documents will still remain visible as project documents.


  • Integration partner: In GetDocuments method there is a tag that can display whether a document is attached to a property or not. This can be used to display whether a document is classified as only a project document (own workspace) or attached and visible to the home owner (Property document/Plant document).
Maintenance Task

Maintenance tasks are used to keep track of periodic tasks that needs to be done on a property or a device. You can create new maintenance tasks and view existing maintenance tasks on a specific property using “GetMaintenanceTasksForProperty or GetMaintenanceTasksForProject”. Each maintenance task can also be linked to a Device or a Room.


Plant is more like a work-space with certain access rights to a property. Plants are a vital part of our core system and is how access rights are treated through our platform.

The Boligmappa System has two types of plants:

  • PropertyPlant: A plant that is connected to a property (inside the apartment or house. Often the living space). There might be several PropertyPlants inside one Building.
  • BuildingPlant:  A plant that is connected to a building (outside, entire building, parts of a building, office spaces. common areas.) The BuildingPlant is connected to the building number of the building.

The plant represents the work-space of a specific company in a specific property/building. A company must create its own workspace (ie plant) for a property/building in order for their professionals to start working on that property. E.g. To send a document to the property.

You cannot connect more than one company to a plant. Access to plants are at a company level and all users of a company gets access to all the plants of that company. If several companies work on the same property, each company will have their own PlantID. However, the Boligmappa number remains the same. If companies want to share information using Boligmappa as a HUB, Boligmappa project is the way to go. Refer Project for more details.


Project is a common work-space where companies can share all sorts of files on a common unique identifier.  Unlike plants, projects allow multiple companies to connect and share and is a perfect way to collaborate even though multiple companies use different it-systems or project tools. This invention of Boligmappa makes it easier to share information between different stake holders, working on different It-systems, without the need of one on one integrations between several different systems.

Once you connect to the Boligmappa Project, you are automatically connected to all other It-systems that supports the Boligmappa Project.

There are 3 types of projects:

  • Property Project - Project is connected to a property at the Matrikkel level and companies working on the project can share files between them. Mostly used during the renovation of an existing property. New bathroom, new flooring, new kitchen.
  • Building Project - Project is connected to a building and companies working on the project can share files done on a building (common area). Mostly used for the rehabilitation of common area of an apartment building or office spaces. New roof, new ventilation system etc.
  • Anonymous Project – A Project which is not connected to either a property or a building at the beginning. Companies can use the work-space as mentioned above to share files.  Later, the files connected to an Anonymous Project can be copied to any Property or Building Plant.  Potential real-world scenario for this kind of a project would be where the project has actually commenced but the property/building is not yet finally created in cadastre register (matrikkelen). This is the recommended method for house builders (Nybygg).
 Project CompanyA company which is the owner of the project or a peer company working under the project. The company that created the project in Boligmappa system becomes the owner and the owner can invite some other companies to join the project.


There are 3 main types of properties.

  •   Regular Property
  •   Sectioned Property
  •   Housing Cooperative

Property Owner 

Owner of a particular property


Rooms in a property. You can look up existing rooms in a property or create new ones. Documents, Devices and Maintenance tasks can be "tagged" to one or several rooms. This helps a home owner to find information related to a specific room easily. Our rooms list is inspired by the NS3600 standard, which is used by real-estate brokers, insurance companies and is well known by home owners. Boligmappa will connect rooms to bygningsdelstabellen and BSDD in the coming releases.

UserA web service user registered in Boligmappa system

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