Property | Type | Description |
DocumentId | long | Id of the document |
FileName | string | File name |
FileTypeId | int | Available Types :
DocumentTypeId | int | Available document type Ids are listed in DocumentType |
Title | string | Document title |
Description | string | Description |
OrderNumber | string | Order number |
UpdatedDate | DateTime | The last updated date |
Url | string | the public URL from which this document can be downloaded |
EfoNumber | string | This feature is not yet implemented |
Path | string | The path in terms of plant name/sub folder/file name |
Official | bool | Whether the document is official or personal |
OwnedById | long | The user id of the first person who uploaded the document |
ShowInBoligboken | bool | True if this document is visible to |
Status | int | Value whether document is deleted or not. Will always be 1 |
PdfDocId | long | Id of the generated PDF document |
PdfDocPath | string | The path of the PDF document in terms of plant name/sub folder/file name |
ApplicationTag | string | The application that created the doc in the database |
FolderId | long | Id of the document containing folder |
RoomIds | List<long> | A list of room Ids if the document is tagged to rooms |
DeviceIds | List<long> | A list of device Ids if the document is tagged to devices |
ChapterTags | List<ChapterTagOutput> | List of chapters tagged to the document. See the available chapter list here |
ProjectId | long | Id of the project which contains the document |