

This method is used to return plant information associated with the given boligmappaNumber. The result can be either a PropertyPlant which consists of the address, Matrikkel, basic building details and property owners for the given boligmappaNumber or a BuildingPlant which consists of building information.

NOTE: boligmappaNumber association for the buildings are not yet implemented. This method can be used only for property plants as of now.

NOTE: Only the property details are returned, when a plant is not linked to the property associated with the given boligmappaNumber. The plant related details will be null.


ParameterTypeMandatory/OptionalMaximum character length/limitDescription
boligmappaNumberstringMandatoryNot RelevantA number generated by Boligmappa to uniquely identify properties registered in Boligmappa. (e.g. AAF1234)

Should be less than or equal to 10 characters

The name of the integration partner

Request - sample input




An object of the Plant

Response- sample output


Error CodeDescription
123An exception occurred while processing your request
138applicationName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (10)
146The applicationName is not set
167You are not authorized to use this web method
176boligmappaNumber is not provided
239Invalid boligmappaNumber