

This method is used to send documents to a potential buyer or seller of a property. User should have a valid work-space for the given property in order to send documents for that particular property. 


MandatoryNot relevant
applicationNamestringMandatoryShould be less than or equal to 10 character

Sample Input 

      <AnyAttr attr0="XmlAttributeArray" isNull="false">
      <Documents attr0="DocumentSubsetInputArray" isNull="false">
		  <Title>Sales of New apartment</Title>
          <Description>Home Sale 3</Description>
          <Data isNull="false" />
		  <Title>Sales of New Home</Title>
          <Description>Home Sale 3</Description>
          <Data>Valid Base64 String</Data>


SendDocumentsToPrivateSectionOutputSaved Documents Array with status code

 Sample Output

      <Statuses attr0="DocumentUploadStatusArray" isNull="false">


Error CodeDescription
108Input parameters contain invalid or null data


plantId does not exist for your company or your license does not authorize you to access this plantId

112There is no document to upload
113One or more mandatory fields have not been provided 
114File name contains invalid charactor(s)
115Given ProfessionId(s) are not valid
116Invalid DocumentTypeId
123An exception occurred while processing your request
126File extension is not specified or file extension is not valid
133Url or Data must be provided to create a document file
136Provided Url is invalid
138applicationName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (10)
146The applicationName is not set


The given profession is not registered to your company


You are not authorized to use this method

332Document FileName has exceeded the maximum character limit of 260
330Document Description has exceeded the maximum character limit of 360
331Document Title has exceeded the maximum character limit of 260
15364 bit encoded data decoding has failed
428Stakeholder Id does not exist for your company or your license does not authorize you to access this Stakeholder Id