Professionals are required to have purchased a valid license consisting of the 'Tenant' feature in order to use this web method. Please contact or to get a license set up for your company.
This method is used to create a tenant. Use CreateBuildingPlant method first to create the building plant. Then call this method with the BuildingId of the created building plant to connect the tenant.
Parameter | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Maximum character length/limit | Description |
input | ConnectTenantToBuildingInput | Mandatory | Not relevant | Connect tenant to building input |
Request Input Sample
<AnyAttr attr0="XmlAttributeArray" isNull="false">
Type | Description |
ConnectTenantToBuildingOutput | Connect Tenant To Building plant output model |
Response- Output Sample
<CompanyName>MESTERALLIANSEN AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11, 2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<CompanyOwners isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonName>Merete Nordli</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
Error Code | Description |
110 | Input parameters contain null or invalid data |
123 | An exception occurred while processing your request |
138 | applicationName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (10) |
146 | The applicationName is not set |
398 | Either the building does not exist or a building plant has not been created for it |
399 | Tenant already exists for your company |
400 | An error occured while creating or connecting the tenant |
411 | You need to have the Tenants Addon to perform this action |