This method is the LookUpPropertyByAddress method modified to include the ShowTenants input parameter and Tenants output parameter which is an array of tenants. If ShowTenants is set to True, it returns Tenants of the specified address if there are any, along with the building and property details as in LookUpPropertyByAddress. If ShowTenants is set to False, it returns results similar to LookUpPropertyByAddress.
This method is used to retrieve property and tenant details along with plant information (if there is any) when the street address is provided. The property information is retrieved from Infoland service and combined with details like the boligmappaNumber if the property is already registered in Boligmappa. Tenant details are retrieved from Brreg API and Proff API for the given address. If the current user's company has already created the tenant for that particular building, results will contain the ConnectedBuildingPlantId too.
In addition, it provides plant information if the plant is created by a particular company of the current user. Results returned by this method includes the address, Matrikkel, basic building details and property owners. The results can either be zero, or one or more Property Plants which are returned as a list.
Properties located inside a particular building are associated to that building. Properties for which the main building could not be located due to the unavailability of data is separately displayed.
In order to retrieve tenant information, professionals are required to have purchased a valid license consisting of the 'Tenant' feature in order to use this web method. Please contact per.christian@boligmappa.no or yohanw@99x.lk to get a license set up for your company.
Note: If you wish to lookup properties without 'ShowTenants' enabled, you do not require a license. The web method will work similarly to LookUpPropertyByAddress.
Parameter | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Maximum character length/limit | Description |
input | LookupPropertyByAddressInput | Mandatory | Not relevant | Lookup property by address input |
applicationName | string | Mandatory | Should be less than or equal to 10 characters | The name of the integration partner |
disableMetaData | bool | Optional | Not relevant | Switch to new search to get properties (fast). (Exclude FloorCount, UsedFrom, Latitude and Longitude) |
disableOwnerInfo | bool | Optional | Not relevant | Get properties even faster without property owners. (disableMetaData must be true) |
- The search is based on all parameters that are provided.
- municipalityNumber, ZipCode and HouseNumber are optional parameters that help Boligmappa to find the results quickly and more efficiently.
- New search woks for (disableMetaData = true) seanrio and disableOwnerInfo cannot true without enabling disableMetaData.
- We have given the priority to ShowTenants. If the ShowTenants is true, then the API ignore the disableMetaData and disableOwnerInfo scenarios.
Request - sample input
<AnyAttr attr0="XmlAttributeArray" isNull="false">
<HouseLetter isNull="false" />
Type | Description |
LookupPropertyByAddressOutput | Lookup property by address output |
Response - sample output
<PlantArray0 actualtype="BuildingPlant" basetype="Plant">
<BuildingStatus>TATT I BRUK</BuildingStatus>
<Properties attr0="PropertyPlantArray" isNull="false">
<StreetAddress>Hvamsvingen 11, 2013 SKJETTEN</StreetAddress>
<HouseLetter isNull="true" />
<BoligmappaNumber isNull="true" />
<UnitNumber isNull="true" />
<PropertyOwners isNull="true" />
<PlantName isNull="true" />
<CreatedTime isNull="true" />
<StreetAddress>Hvamsvingen 11, 2013 SKJETTEN</StreetAddress>
<HouseLetter isNull="true" />
<BoligmappaNumber isNull="true" />
<PropertyOwners attr0="PropertyOwnerArray" isNull="false">
<FirstName>Hvam Eiendom</FirstName>
<DefaultAddress isNull="true" />
<CompanyName isNull="true" />
<PlantName isNull="true" />
<CreatedTime isNull="true" />
<StreetAddress>Hvamsvingen 11, 2013 SKJETTEN</StreetAddress>
<HouseLetter isNull="true" />
<BoligmappaNumber isNull="true" />
<PropertyOwners attr0="PropertyOwnerArray" isNull="false">
<FirstName>Hvam Eiendom</FirstName>
<DefaultAddress isNull="true" />
<CompanyName isNull="true" />
<PlantName isNull="true" />
<CreatedTime isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>MALERMESTER BUER AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<CompanyOwners isNull="false" />
<ContactPersonName>Øystein Nesset</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>LUMINATOR AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<ContactPersonName>Gjermund Sjøsaasen</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>BUER & BRATFOSS AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<CompanyOwners isNull="false" />
<ContactPersonName>Odin Tangerud</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>BIL RINGEN K Rode</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<CompanyOwners isNull="false" />
<ContactPersonName>Ken Oddvind Rode</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>BUER GRUPPEN AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<CompanyOwners isNull="false" />
<ContactPersonName>Tore Buer</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>COVENT GARDEN AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<CompanyOwners>SIMEN FRITZ MØRK</CompanyOwners>
<ContactPersonName>Simen Fritz Mørk</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>BJERTNES AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<ContactPersonName>Jon Atle Kalleberg</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>LGF PACKAGING NORWAY AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<CompanyOwners>TETRAX AB</CompanyOwners>
<ContactPersonName>Conny Evert Grimling</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>VISITOR SYSTEMS AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<CompanyOwners>JACK NORMANN HOFF</CompanyOwners>
<ContactPersonName>Bård Bjørnson</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>RENAS BEDRIFT AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<CompanyOwners>DAG-ARNE SÆTHER</CompanyOwners>
<ContactPersonName>Dag-Arne Sæther</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<CompanyName>MESTERALLIANSEN AS</CompanyName>
<TenantAddress attr0="StringArray" isNull="false">
<StringArray0>Hvamsvingen 11,2013 Skjetten</StringArray0>
<CompanyOwners isNull="false" />
<ContactPersonName>Merete Nordli</ContactPersonName>
<ContactPersonPhone isNull="true" />
<ContactPersonEmail isNull="true" />
<ConnectedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</ConnectedDate>
<UpdatedDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</UpdatedDate>
<IsValidated isNull="true" />
<PropertyOwners isNull="true" />
<PlantName>Hvamsvingen, 2013 SKJETTEN - 6889913</PlantName>
<CreatedTime>2/9/2018 6:23:10 PM</CreatedTime>
Error Code | Description |
101 | Postal number does not exist in the system |
102 | The street address cannot be null or empty |
123 | An exception occured while processing your request |
138 | applicationName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (10) |
139 | Current version of Boligmappa does not support these type of properties (aksje/obligasjonsleiligheter) |
146 | The applicationName is not set |
212 | Invalid ZipCode |
397 | An error occurred while retreiving data from third party company search services |
108 | Input parameters contain invalid or null data (disableMetaData = false and disableOwnerInfo = true ) |