

The following table lists all the Exceptions that are returned by the Boligmappa Web Service, and the error conditions that they represent.

Error CodeDescription
100 Zip Code cannot be null/empty


Postal number does not exist in the system


The street address cannot be null or empty


Invalid street address format


Third-party services are not available


Plant already exists in the system


Plant creation failed due to an internal error


Input parameters contain invalid or null data


Given Matrikkel does not exist in the system


Input parameters contain null or invalid data


plantId does not exist for your company or your license does not authorize you to access this plantId


There is no document to upload


One or more mandatory fields have not been provided 


File name contains invalid charactor(s)


Given ProfessionId(s) are not valid


Invalid DocumentTypeId


Snr provided is invalid


Snr is not provided with the input Matrikkel for a sectioned property


Snr is provided with the input Matrikkel for a non-sectioned property


Provided Lnr is not valid


Lnr is not provided with the input Matrikkel for a housing corporative share


Lnr is provided with the input Matrikkel but it is not a housing corporative share


An exception occurred while processing your request


IIS_IUSERS do not have write permission to the wwwroot folder


Cannot create EFO documents


File extension is not specified or file extension is not valid


Postal code does not exist in the specified municipality


Infoland failed to return Matrikkels for housing corporative shares


Input plantId is either zero or negative. Please enter a positive value for the id


This type of property is not supported


plantId does not exist


Url or Data must be provided to create a document file


Document does not exist for the given documentId


User is not authorized to access the document with the given documentId or your license does not authorize you to access this documentId


Provided Url is invalid


applicationName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (10) 


Current version of Boligmappa does not support these type of properties (aksje/obligasjonsleiligheter)


Input EfoId list is not set to a correct value


Input EfoId list is empty


One or more of the input EfoIds are invalid


Template document is not set


One or more of the input document models does not contain adequate information (EfoIds, Url or Base64 encoded data)


The plantId is invalid


The applicationName is not set


The EfoId is not properly set


The documentName cannot be empty


Input job document is not set


Could not find Efo documents for any of the EfoIds provided


The company is not authorized to access one or more of the given documents


No property is connected to the given plantId


64 bit encoded data decoding has failed


Either a valid plantId or a boligmappaNumber for the property should be provided


One or more of the input documents are not in a valid PDF format. (Only PDF format is supported by this version)


The attached plant of the input document and the given plantId do not match


PlantId is required


Input for chapter 3 does not contain adequate information (a Url or Base64 encoded data)


Unable to parse the input job document. Make sure you have uploaded a document generated by the Boligmappa system


Input for chapter 2 does not contain adequate information (a Url or Base64 encoded data)


Job description length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (500)


No files provided. Cannot combine


An error occurred while combining the files


One or more of the input file models does not contain adequate information (a Url or Base64 encoded data)


The given profession is not registered to your company


No documents found for the given Matrikkel


You are not authorized to use this method


Given is a Matrikkel of a Housing cooperative. This type of property is not supported by this method


Provide only one model. Either the Matrikkel model or the Housing coop info model


Given is a Matrikkel of a Housing cooperative. You cannot uniquely identify a housing coop share using a Matrikkel. Please input the HousingCoopInputModel.


Invalid OrganizationNumber or ShareNumber.


Invalid order number


Provided Boligmappa documentId is invalid


The jobEndDate needs to be later than the jobStartDate


boligmappaNumber is not provided


No property was found for the given boligmappaNumber


No property or building details found for the given Matrikkel and building number


One or more of the attached RoomIds does not belong to the given plant or tenant


One or more of the attached DeviceIds does not belong to the given plant


To tag a document to a room or a device, the given plant needs to be connected to a property


One or more of the attached BuildingIds does not belong to the given plant


Invalid WorkTypeId  


Job is not set  


To create a job there should be at least one document in the WorkDocuments, ProductDocuments or deviceManuals inputs


ProductName is not provided  

187BuildingNumber is not provided
188Matrikkel is not provided
189No buildings are connected to the given Matrikkel and building number

No devices have been provided 


Maintenance tasks must contain a description 


DeviceId does not exist or does not belong to the given plant


Atleast one maintenance task is required


Url or data must be provided to create a device manual 

197The given building number is not connected to the given Matrikkel. Please check your input.
198Task is not available in the plant
199Task Id is not valid
200The given BuildingNumber is not connected to the given Matrikkel . Please check your input.
201The provided building does not exist in Boligmappa system

This operation can only be done on plants connected to properties 


BuildingId of the document should be either 0 or match the building plant provided 


Entered month is invalid. The range is from 1-12 


Given device's roomId conflicts with the roomIds provided


Invalid building element 


RoomId does not exist or belong to the given plant 

210The DeviceTypeId provided is invalid
211Address is not provided. StreetName, HouseNumber and ZipCode is mandatory
212Invalid ZipCode
213This type of properties are not supported in this web method. Please Use CreatePropertyPlantByMatrikkel web method
214The given property does not exist in the system
215Unit number is not provided

Maintenance description length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (70) 


An error occurred while sending the notification mail to the user 


The propertyOwnerEmail provided is invalid 


Job title cannot be empty 

220This EfoItem is already reported missing
221 Both the share number and unit number are not provided with the input Matrikkel even though it is a housing corporative share. 
222No documents found for the given housing cooperative share

The given project is not owned by the company or does not exist, therefore this action cannot be performed


Invalid CompanyId 


Company already exists in the project 


To generate a job document there should be at least one chapter input (Chapter2 or Chapter3) 

227The project does not exist or the company is not connected to the given project or your license does not authorize you to access this project
228projectId is not provided
229BuildingId of the document should be either 0 or match with the building   attached to the project
230Cannot tag rooms for building projects
231Cannot tag devices for building projects
232For a document to be tagged with a room or a device, the given project   needs to be connected to a property
233One or more of the attached room Ids does not belong to the property attached to the given project
234One of more of the attached device Ids does not belong to the property attached to the given project
235One of more of the attached BuildingIds does not belong to the property attached to the given project
236For a document to be tagged with a building, room or a device, the given   project needs to be connected to a property or a building
237Document is not belong to the Project
238The company of the document is not the same as the current user's company
239Invalid boligmappaNumber
240Documents to be copied are not provided
241Property to which the documents should be associated is not provided
242Provide documents from a single project at a time
243Provide a valid property to associate documents
244Invalid Street Address
245Invalid Matrikkel
246Unit number is mandatory
247BoligmappaNumber is mandatory for a property project
248Please provide organization number
249You are not authorized to perform this action
250A document provided does not belong to a project
251Documents provided do not belong to a valid project

No input is provided for projectId or projectCode. Provide the input for at least one of these fields


Ambiguous inputs. Make sure the projectCode and projectId refer to the same project 


Invalid projectCode 


No input is provided for boligmappaNumber or buildingNumber. Provide an input for at least one of these fields


Ambiguous input. Ensure the boligmappaNumber and the buildingNumber refer to the same building 


Provided building does not exist in the system

258Unable to find a company registered to the given OrganizationNumber
259Either a CompanyId or an OrganizationNumber need to be provided to identify a company
260The ContactPersonEmail is not valid
261Neither CompanyId or OrganizationNumber is provided
262Company which owns the project cannot be removed
263The contactPersonName is required
264The ContactPersonEmail is required
265Company is added to the project, but the notification mail submission has failed
266The DeviceId is not properly set
267One or more of the input NRFIds are invalid
268One or more of the input NOBBIds are invalid
269The LibraryType is not properly set
270contactNumber is not valid
271DateRange is not provided
272StartDate and EndDate should be greater than or equal to the current date
273Project does not exist

Provided projectCode does not belong to an anonymous project


Project has already been associated to a plot or a building

276Given Matrikkel does not support in Boligmappa API 1.0 as it contains multiple properties. Please use Boligmappa API 2.0 or Boligmappa Bedrift
277projectCode cannot be empty
278Invalid Project Id
279The task is already in done status
280No Buildings available for the given building number, Matrikkel and iteration
281Room already exists
283roomName is not provided
284You are not authorized to add a room to this property or your license does not authorize you to access this property
285Given Matrikkel is of a housing cooperative and this web method does not support it, Please use CreatePropertyPlantForHousingCoopShare web method
286Invalid roomType
287Project status is not provided
288Invalid project status
289Current project status is similar to the input status
290Invalid work flow. A project with the status "Not Started" cannot be moved to the "Closed" status directly
291Invalid work flow. A project with the status "Closed" cannot be moved to the "Not Started" status directly
292Projects which are in In Progress status cannot be deleted
293Projects which are in Closed status cannot be deleted
294This project cannot be deleted as it contains documents
295Third party company search services are unavailable
296Do not insert a comma in the roomName
297Invalid error code provided. Either the string is negative, or not conformed to the integer limits.
298This error code does not exist
299The given project is closed
300roomName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (50) 
301Room description length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (250) 
302Given RoomId is not attached to the project
303DeviceName is not provided
304DeviceDescription length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (250)
305DeviceName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (25)
306ManufactureName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (25)
307ProductCode length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (25)
308GtinNumber length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (25)
309ChapterTag is not provided
310One or more input ChapterTags are invalid
311Professionals are not allowed to tag ChapterTagId 1 (Generell brukerveiledning bolig) 
312Invalid warranty duration range or the number of digits exceed 3
313Invalid life expectancy range or the number of digits exceed 3
314Invalid installation year
315Warranty duration cannot be greater than life expectancy
316This action cannot be performed on a closed project
317One or more of the attached RoomIds does not belong to the project
318Attached DeviceId does not belong to the project
319Invalid product code type ID
320Project device already exists
321Company removed successfully but email is not sent
322ApartmentTag already exists
323ApartmentTags are not provided
324ApartmentTag name is not provided
325ApartmentTag name length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (50)
326This action cannot be performed since documents are associated with this ApartmentTag
327Company is not authorized to delete this ApartmentTag
328ApartmentTagId does not exist
329One or more input ApartmentTags are invalid
330Document Description has exceeded the maximum character limit of 360
331Document Title has exceeded the maximum character limit of 260
332Document FileName has exceeded the maximum character limit of 260
333OrderNo has exceeded the maximum character limit of 50
334Device already exists
335Either DocumentType or ChapterTag is mandatory
336Contact person name/ Contact Person Role has exceeded maximum length (50)
337You are not authorized to perform this action because you are not part of this project
338The given project is not existing
339Given data is not enough to identify the property. Provide either ShareNo and OrganizatioNo or Address, UnitNo and BuildingNo as available
340Provide Address details (Street name, House no and Postal code)
341The following building does not contain any properties. Use 'CreateBuildingPlant' web service to create a building plant
342One or more of the attached device Ids does not belong to the plant which is associated to the document
343One or more of the attached Room Ids does not belong to the plant which is associated to the document
344For a document to be tagged with a room or a device, the given document needs to be connected to a property plant
345Please provide either a plant document or a project document
346Given data is not enough to identify the property. Please provide the Address, UnitNumber and BuildingNumber
347You cannot enter more than 3 chapter tags
348ProjectIds the documents are to be copied to is not provided 
349One or more of the ProjectIds provided is a Closed project
350Only the owner of the project or a member of the company is allowed to upload documents
351You are not authorized to perform this action because you are not a member of the project to which the documents are being copied or your license does not authorize you to access this project
352One of the DocumentIds provided is invalid
353One of the ProjectIds provided is invalid
354One or more of the attached device Ids does not belong to the project which is associated to the document
355One or more of the attached Room Ids does not belong to the project which is associated to the document
356One or more of the attached Apartment tag Ids does not belong to the project which is associated to the document
357Document to be edited is not provided
358No matching results found for your inputs
359Please provide at least one input
360The company you are connected to is not allowed to perform this operation
361User not allowed to use this service through Finnit api. Should be an active user with a mobile number and a valid profession who is authorized to use Finnit
362UserName does not follow the proper format
363TelephoneNumber is invalid
364User already exists
365UserRole is invalid
366The given UserName does not exist
367FirstName/LastName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (50) 
368UserName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (50) 
369Email length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (50) 
370Specializations length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (250) 
371Given user does not exist in your company
372ProfileImage input is invalid
373ProfileDescription length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (250)
374The given Url is not a valid image file type
375The given image is more than 2MB in size
376The given Base64 string is invalid
377You are not authorized to perform this action
378FacebookAddress/ website address/HelpLink length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (250)
379One or more of the given Base64 strings as image inputs are not valid images
380If HelpLinkButtonText/HelpLink is given the HelpLink/HelpLinkButtonText is mandatory
381HelpLinkButtonText length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (25)
382One or more of the given images are more than 2MB in size
383Company Description length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (600)
384Either the CompanyEmail or ContactPersonEmail is incorrect
385Either the CompanyTelephoneNumber or ContactPerson TelephoneNumber is invalid
386One or more of the given Urls for image inputs are not valid image file types
387Both Url and Data are provided for one or more of the inputs. Use either one in each input
388The given image input is not valid
389The Company is not active
390Invalid Feature Count. Must be between 1 and 5
391Feature Title length exceeded its maximum length (25)
392Feature Site Link length exceeded its maximum length (200)
393No documents were copied from this project to this property
394No documents were found for the property
395An error occurred while retrieving data from Matrikkelen
396You have to upgrade your license to do this operation
397An error occurred while retrieving data from third party company search services
398Either the building does not exist or a building plant has not been created for it
399Tenant already exists for your company
400An error occurred while creating or connecting the tenant
401Tenant does not exist

You are not authorized for this tenant

403One or more of the attached RoomIds are either invalid or does not belong to the Tenant
404Attached DeviceId does not belong to the tenant
405Invalid product year 
406Product year should be less than installation year
407You are trying to delete the only available Admin account for your company. Please create another Admin account first and Try again or please contact Boligmappa Support
408An error occurred while deleting the user
409User is already deleted
411You need to have the Tenants Add-on to perform this action
412The office space (tenant) no longer exists and this work-space has been deactivated.
413Malformed JSON in Request (Used in Proff-API)
414File size exceeds maximum limit 500 MB.
415The form filename and the document file should match.
416tenant Id is not valid (zero or negative)
417tenant Company can not be found for given tenant ID and user's company ID
418document Id is not valid (zero or negative)
419Given stakeholder is already linked with the selected plant
420Stakeholder type is not valid
421Person key is not valid
422Given stakeholder type is not valid
423Can not find given property Owner
424Invalid Property Owner
425Stakeholder Id is not valid (zero or negative)
426Stakeholder  cannot be found for given stakeholder ID
427Infoland service not available
428Stakeholder Id does not exist for your company or your license does not authorize you to access this Stakeholder Id 
429Company is not authorized to edit this ApartmentTag
430Project Name (100), Project Description (500), Contact Person Name (250) and Contact Person Email (50) length exceeds maximum character limit

Note: The above error codes are custom error codes defined by Boligmappa. We are using REST endpoints for file upload. Therefore in the particular endpoint, we use HTTP error codes.

Example Scenario:

Uploading a file through SendDocumentsToPlant.

Response error code 401 Unauthorized Access (In the above table, 401 is defined for "tenant does not exist", which is not related to the file upload scenario here.)

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