
  • This is an upgraded version of the GetDocumentsByProject method with more metadata. Use this method as the previous is now obsolete.

  • GetDocumentsByProjectInput is a single input parameter introduced in this method to enclose all the existing input parameters of the previous method in a single place with the exception of the applicationName. 

  • The new output field will only be available after the next production release


NOTE: It is mandatory to provide either the projectCode or projectId. First preference is always given to the projectId, if both the projectCode and projectId are provided.

Request - sample input

      <AnyAttr attr0="XmlAttributeArray" isNull="false">
      <ProjectCode isNull="false" />


GetDocumentsByProjectOutputGetDocumentsByProjectOutput Model


ProjectDocumentsList<ProjectDocument>Project Document Response model list

Response - sample output

      <ProjectDocuments attr0="ProjectDocumentArray" isNull="false">
          <Description>test test</Description>
          <UpdatedDate>7/26/2017 12:15:35 PM</UpdatedDate>
          <ProfessionName>Ikke spesifisert</ProfessionName>
          <RoomIds isNull="true" />
          <DeviceIds isNull="true" />
          <ChapterTags attr0="ChapterTagOutputArray" isNull="false">
              <TagName>Annet nyttig</TagName>
              <TagDescription isNull="true" />
            <CompanyName>VEGA 1 AS Avdeling Admninistrasjon</CompanyName>
          <ApartmentTags attr0="ApartmentTagsOutputArray" isNull="false" />
          <DocumentCopiedPropertyDetails attr0="PropertyDetailsOfCopiedDocumentsArray" isNull="false" />
          <Description isNull="true" />
          <OrderNumber isNull="true" />
          <UpdatedDate>7/27/2017 12:39:56 PM</UpdatedDate>
          <RoomIds isNull="true" />
          <DeviceIds isNull="true" />
          <ChapterTags attr0="ChapterTagOutputArray" isNull="false">
              <TagName>Informasjon om tekniske anlegg i boligen</TagName>
              <TagDescription isNull="true" />
              <TagName>Samsvarserklæringer og garantibevis</TagName>
              <TagDescription isNull="true" />
              <TagName>Sjekklister, målinger og kontrollskjema</TagName>
              <TagDescription isNull="true" />
            <CompanyName>VEGA 1 AS Avdeling Admninistrasjon</CompanyName>
          <ApartmentTags attr0="ApartmentTagsOutputArray" isNull="false" />
          <DocumentCopiedPropertyDetails attr0="PropertyDetailsOfCopiedDocumentsArray" isNull="false" />


Error CodeDescription


Input parameters contain null or invalid data 

123An exception occurred while processing your request
138 applicationName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (10) 
146The applicationName is not set
167You are not authorized to use this web method
227The project does not exist or the company is not connected to the given project or your license does not authorize you to access this project

No input is provided for ProjectId or ProjectCode. Provide the input for at least one of these fields 


Ambiguous inputs. Make sure the ProjectCode and projectId refer to the same project 


Invalid ProjectCode 
