NOTE: It is mandatory to provide either the shareNumber or the unitNumber optional fields when the PropertyPlant is a housing cooperative share.
Request - input sample
<AnyAttr attr0="XmlAttributeArray" isNull="false">
<unitNumber isNull="false" />
- It is mandatory to provide either the shareNumber or the unitNumber optional fields when the PropertyPlant is a housing cooperative share.
- If the property is not registered in Boligmappa, the boligmappaNumber is set to "Null".
Response- output sample
<PlantArray0 actualtype="BuildingPlant" basetype="Plant">
<BuildingType>HUS FOR DYR/LANDBR.LAGER/SILO</BuildingType>
<BuildingStatus>TATT I BRUK</BuildingStatus>
<Properties isNull="true" />
<PlantName>Nord-Odalsvegen, 2120 SAGSTUA - 7268165</PlantName>
<CreatedTime>5/25/2017 3:16:25 PM</CreatedTime>
<PlantArray1 actualtype="BuildingPlant" basetype="Plant">
<BuildingStatus>TATT I BRUK</BuildingStatus>
<Properties attr0="PropertyPlantArray" isNull="false">
<StreetAddress>Nord-Odalsvegen 2022, 2120 SAGSTUA</StreetAddress>
<HouseLetter isNull="true" />
<PropertyOwners attr0="PropertyOwnerArray" isNull="false">
<DefaultAddress>Nord-Odalsvegen 2022, 2120 SAGSTUA</DefaultAddress>
<PlantName>Nord-Odalsvegen 2022, 2120 SAGSTUA</PlantName>
<CreatedTime>8/15/2017 4:45:20 PM</CreatedTime>
<PlantName>Nord-Odalsvegen, 2120 SAGSTUA - 117717887</PlantName>
<CreatedTime>5/25/2017 3:16:21 PM</CreatedTime>
<PlantArray2 actualtype="BuildingPlant" basetype="Plant">
<BuildingType>ANNEN LANDBRUKSBYGNING</BuildingType>
<BuildingStatus>TATT I BRUK</BuildingStatus>
<Properties isNull="true" />
<PlantName>Nord-Odalsvegen, 2120 SAGSTUA - 140147532</PlantName>
<CreatedTime>5/25/2017 3:16:32 PM</CreatedTime>
<PlantArray3 actualtype="BuildingPlant" basetype="Plant">
<BuildingStatus>TATT I BRUK</BuildingStatus>
<Properties attr0="PropertyPlantArray" isNull="false">
<StreetAddress>Nord-Odalsvegen 2022, 2120 SAGSTUA</StreetAddress>
<HouseLetter isNull="true" />
<UnitNumber isNull="true" />
<PropertyOwners attr0="PropertyOwnerArray" isNull="false">
<DefaultAddress>Nord-Odalsvegen 2022, 2120 SAGSTUA</DefaultAddress>
<PlantName>Nord-Odalsvegen 2022, 2120 SAGSTUA</PlantName>
<CreatedTime>5/25/2017 3:16:31 PM</CreatedTime>
<PlantName isNull="true" />
<CreatedTime isNull="true" />
Error Code | Description |
104 | Infoland is not available |
109 | Given Matrikkel does not exist in the system |
117 | Snr provided is invalid |
118 | Snr is not provided with the input Matrikkel for a sectioned property |
119 | Snr is provided with the input Matrikkel for a non-sectioned property |
123 | An exception occurred while processing your request |
138 | applicationName length has exceeded the maximum character limit allowed (10) |
146 | The applicationName is not set |
167 | You are not authorized to use this web method |
188 | Matrikkel is not provided |
221 | Both the shareNumber and unitNumber are not provided with the input Matrikkel even though it is a housing corporative share. |