
This method returns is used to return a list of the PropertyPlant details which consists of the address, Matrikkel, basic building details and property owners. The property information is retrieved from Infoland service and combined with details like the boligmappaNumber if the property is already registered in Boligmappa.


ParameterTypeMandatory/OptionalMaximum character length/limitDescription
MatrikkelintMandatoryNot RelevantMatrikkel values of the plant
shareNumberint Mandatory/Optional
Not Relevant

The number uniquely identifying a particular share of a housing cooperative. This is not part of the Matrikkel


unitNumber string Mandatory/Optional
Not RelevantUnit number of the property/apartment 
applicationNamestring MandatoryShould be less than or equal to 10 charactersThe name of the integration partner

NOTE: It is mandatory to provide either the shareNumber or the unitNumber optional fields when the PropertyPlant is a housing cooperative share.
